Nitro: What's your favorite country to tour and why?
AJ: Definitely the good ole USofA. The familiarity of being in my home country is great, and also if we have 2 days off on tour I can shoot home for a quick visit and hang out with the family. I tour a lot so being able to get a bit of time at home during a tour means a lot to me. Oh yea...and there is Chipotle on the US tour haha!
Nitro: What's it like behind the scenes on a Nitro tour?
AJ: There’s a lot more mad skills being played than anyone could ever imagine haha. I like to be fresh for the shows, so I don't really partake in too many of the outings. The travel and all the shows can wear you down sometimes, so I try and get my rest so I guess I don't have the best description of the behind the scenes life. There’s really a lot of downtime before shows though. We get there early to practice get that done, then usually have a few hours to kill at the venue with basically nothing to do...that’s where the mad skills comes out, or sometimes the hacky sack, or we just bury our faces in our phones. It gets really crazy sometimes though...sometimes we actually put our phones down and talk to each other!
Nitro: Who is the funniest person on tour? And why?
AJ: ME! Because I said so! I don't know, there’s quite a few funny guys on tour, it’s a good place to hang. Bilko is always being a clown and a crack up, and Bamburg has some serious wit and is capable of saying some hilarious shit out of nowhere...oh yea, and James Foster is vegetarian hahaha, isn't that hilarious!!!
Nitro: What has been the most embarrassing moment you've had on tour?
AJ: I try not to do anything stupid enough to warrant being embarrassed about it at a later date.
Nitro: Favourite celebrity?
AJ: Maybe Jason Sudekis or Charlie Day...those dudes are pretty hilarious.
Nitro: What would you do with your last $10?
AJ: Chipotle burrito and an iced tea....easiest question you've asked me. |